Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Friday, December 21, 2001 Permanent link to this day
Name that terrorist

Our Friends the Terrorists: "Just to puncture our hypocrisy for a moment: We've been battling terrorism by bolstering backers of terrorism in Pakistan."

Iranian tanker interception

A day after Iran protested U.S. interception of a tanker in the Persian Gulf, Condoleezza Rice is epeaking out about Iranian support of terrorism.

Somalia terror crackdown

Somalia has made more terrorism arrests, hoping to preempt a U.S. led attack.

XP hole

Windows XP has serious flaw: are we surprised?

The hundreds of thousands of British computer users who have installed Microsoft's new Windows XP, billed as the most secure ever, have left their machines open to hackers, the company admitted yesterday.

It's not just us

The NASA Advisory Council has released its report on the space station's management and spending. The cover letter lists their main findings, which recommend that NASA focus on the core U.S. section, which would continue to limit crew size to three and restrict the amount of work that can be done up there, while they work on getting their spending under control and restore their credibility. And what about our nation's credibility when we back out of commitments to the other countries who've spent considerable chunks of money on the station as well? The ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Science has rejected the report.

December 2001
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