If you're reading this, then I've made the jump to Movable Type. BlogMax has served me quite well, and I will probably continue to use it for composing. Editing in XEmacs is the only way to go. But, I wanted to try a few things that Movable Type does, including categorization and comments, and I really didn't feel like taking the time to write the code. I can't help fiddling though, so I've made a couple of changes from the stock MT. I think the only visible one so far, other than the templates of course, is that I've blocked the code that lists a commenter's email address if a URL is not given (which I think was a suggestion I found in Aaron's MT notes).
I will get the old archives moved into MT before a whole lot longer, but until then you can get to them here or through the Archives link over on the right.
If you see problems with the new stuff, please let me know.