Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Thursday, February 07, 2002
Bush simplistic? nah...

The French foreign minister, Hubert Vedrine, warns that the U.S. is being too simplistic about the WoT:

We are friends of the United States, we are friends of that people and we will remain so. But we are threatened today by a new simplism which consists in reducing everything to the war on terrorism. That is their approach, but we cannot accept that idea. You have got to tackle the root causes, the situations, poverty, injustice.

Meanwhile, back in Afghanistan, villagers captured in a raid on what turned out not to be a Taliban or al-Qaeda complex after all were released and a remotely piloted CIA drone fired a missile at a crowd of people surrounding what they think was a "senior al-Qaeda leader" near a cave complex in Zawar Khili.

Despite questions about the raid, American forces continue to go after what they believe are groups of Al Qaeda or Taliban leaders. An intelligence official said tonight that a Predator drone fired a Hellfire antitank missile at a group of people in the Zawar Khili area of Afghanistan on Monday, and some them were believed killed. Although their identities have not been determined, American officials believe some of the people in the group were leaders of Al Qaeda, based on the number of vehicles in the convoy they had been traveling in.

Simple? You're kidding, this is complicated stuff.

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