Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Monday, May 06, 2002
Hersh on the WoT

Seymour Says: highlights from Seymour Hersh's talk on the War on Terror as the keynote speaker at the Chicago Headline Club's Peter Lisagor Awards.

"We have an attorney general that is, I don't know, how would you describe him, demented? We have an attorney general who doesn't seem to understand the law. He's talking about John Walker Lindh, a young boy. John Walker Lindh has made a confession that hasn't been made public. And [Ashcroft] is using parts of the confession to attack him, in public, and that's against every code of every U.S. attorney; it's one of the first things in the rule book. You can't take material that's privileged and use it publicly against anybody.

[via also not found in nature]

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