Allies of convenience Saturday, October 6, 2001 ![]()
A statement claimed to be from RAWA on putting the Northern Alliance into power. [via NewsTrolls] On human rights in Uzbekistan. [via Ethel The Blog] Postcards From Hell: die-hard photojournalism has an extensive Afghanistan section. War scare reverses New Zealand brain drain as people flock home. Amnesty International is speaking out about the backlash from the attacks. [via NewsTrolls] 80,000 Microsoft servers disappear from the net during Code Red. And this is a bad thing? [via Red Rock Eater] House staff analysis of the PATRIOT bill (previously known as ATA). [via Red Rock Eater] Current draft of PATRIOT. The official court jester of Tonga has disappeared, along with 26 million dollars. Two hundred year old box dug up in Dublin. Folks at the local museum are speculating it's a time capsule. There was a monument on the site, but the IRA blew it up in 1966. [via dangerousmeta] Two rare white lions are born in Germany. [via dangerousmeta] Underwater Rugby? [via Metafilter] Idiot with rifle causes 70,000 gallon crude spill and shuts down Alaskan North Slope oil production. [via Metafilter] The military is having to use safecrackers to get into damaged safes in the Pentagon. [via Cipherwar] The Encyclopedia of Arda: An Interactive Guide to the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. [via ResearchBuzz]
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